So, Chinese players who saw the name "一只猫加速器" (one cat accelerator) were understandably confused. They wondered why a cat was being used as an item to increase speed in a game. This confusion sparked the birth of the meme, and it has since become a popular way to make fun of silly translations or phrases in everyday life.
洋葱路由器(Onion Router)是一种用来保护网络隐私和匿名性的工具。它的原理是通过多重加密和随机路由来隐藏网络数据的来源和目的地,从而有效防止被追踪和监视。洋葱路由器的应用广泛,可以用于在网络上进行匿名浏览、访问被封锁网站、保护网络通信等。